Mammals that Start with S

Published: April 23, 2021
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Mammals that Start with the Letter S

A Saanen Goat
Saanen Goat

The saanen goat is the most popular milk breed.

A Saber-Toothed Tiger
Saber-Toothed Tiger

Canines up to 7 inches long!

A Sable

Their fur has been considered a luxury item since the Middle Ages

A Sable Black German Shepherd
Sable Black German Shepherd

According to the American Kennel Club, the German Shepherd is the second most popular breed in the United States

A Sable Ferret
Sable Ferret

Ferrets were used during the Revolutionary War to keep down the rat population.

A Saiga

Large noses help filter out dust

A Saint Bernard
Saint Bernard

Gentle, loyal and friendly!

A Saint Shepherd
Saint Shepherd

These dogs have an eager-to-please attitude, making them sweet and happy pets.

A Saluki

The Saluki is one of the fastest dog breeds in the world.

A Sambar

Male sambars will compete for mates by clashing together with their antlers

A Saola

Only known to science since 1992!

A Savanna Goat
Savanna Goat

Savanna goats have only existed since 1957.

A Schipperke

Schipperkes were used to hunt and kill rodents on Belgian ships.

A Schneagle

This hybrid dog is a great companion and doesn’t do well being left alone but is suitable for apartments or houses with backyards!

A Scimitar-horned Oryx
Scimitar-horned Oryx

Believed to be the inspiration for unicorn myths!

A Scottish Terrier
Scottish Terrier

This breed is nicknamed the “Diehard” because of its iron will and steely determination.

A Sea Lion
Sea Lion

It's flippers allow it to walk on the land

A Sea Otter
Sea Otter

Eats over 40 different marine species!

A Seal

There are 30 different species worldwide!

A Sealyham Terrier
Sealyham Terrier

Very endangered breed that is scion of several breeds that include one that is already extinct

A Sei Whale
Sei Whale

This whale is one of the fastest of the cetaceans

A Serval

Can leap more than 1 meter into the air!

A Sheep

Around 35 million in the English countryside!

A Sheepadoodle

Sheepadoodles were first bred as an experiment for use as a military dog in the Army in the 1960s, however they didn’t really gain popularity until 2007.

A Shepadoodle

Some police officers with allergies use Shepadoodles as their K-9 partner

A Shepkita

These dogs can sometimes be overly aggressive.

A Shepweiler

The Shepweiler is an excellent guard dog.

A Shiba Inu
Shiba Inu

Shiba Inus are one of six native dog breeds from Japan.

A Shih Tzu
Shih Tzu

Can live for up to 15 years!

A Shollie

Shollies are a fairly new type of crossbreed!

A Shrew

The spinal column of the shrew Scutisorex somereni is so strong and reinforced that it can support the weight of an adult human.

A Siamese

Originated from temple cats in Thailand!

A Siberian

An exceptionally agile jumper!

A Siberian Husky
Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies stay adequately warm in sub-zero temperatures.

A Siberian Ibex
Siberian Ibex

There’s a population of Siberian ibex in New Mexico

A Siberian Retriever
Siberian Retriever

Many husky Labs have one blue eye and one brown eye.

A Siberian Tiger
Siberian Tiger

Also known as the Amur tiger!

A Siberpoo

Although a lack of documentation makes it unclear, the first Siberpoo was probably bred in either the 1970s or 1980s.

A Sichuan Takin (Tibetan Takin)
Sichuan Takin (Tibetan Takin)

The Sichuan takin is a national treasure in China and shares part of its range with the giant panda!

A Silky Terrier
Silky Terrier

Silky terriers can be trained to participate in many events, including herding, agility, rally, tracking and fly ball.

A Silver Labrador
Silver Labrador

The Labrador is the most popular breed in the United States and most of these dogs have blue eyes at a young age, before they turn another color.

A Skunk

Also known as the Polecat!

A Skye Terrier
Skye Terrier

Skye terriers are the oldest terrier breed, dating back at least 400 years.

A Sloth

It's body temperature is between 30 - 34 degrees!

A Smooth Fox Terrier
Smooth Fox Terrier

These dogs are known for their fast digging abilities.

A Snorkie

Snorkies are known for their funny, attention-getting antics.

A Snow Leopard
Snow Leopard

Unlike other big cats, snow leopards don’t roar.

A Snowshoe

Thought to have originated in the 1960s!

A Snowshoe Hare
Snowshoe Hare

An adult snowshoe hare can cover ten feet in a single jump.

A Somali

Active, intelligent and playful!

A South China Tiger
South China Tiger

There are less than 20 in the wild!

A Spalax

Spalax can live up to 54 years!

A Spanador

The Spanador is a good swimmer.

A Spanish Goat
Spanish Goat

They have long, horizontal ears.

A Spanish Mastiff
Spanish Mastiff

Diego Velázquez’s famous 17th century painting of the Infanta and her dwarves includes a portrait of a Spanish Mastiff.

A Spectacled Bear
Spectacled Bear

Native to the Andes mountains of South America!

A Sperm Whale
Sperm Whale

Each tooth weighs 1kg!

A Sphynx

Many people believe that because the Sphynx doesn't have a lot of fur, they are easily maintained. However, their upkeep is demanding!

A Spider Monkey
Spider Monkey

Belongs to the only family of primates in the world with full prehensile tails!

A Spinone Italiano
Spinone Italiano

They're one of the oldest hunting breeds on Earth.

A Spotted Skunk
Spotted Skunk

Spotted skunks are known for their acrobatic abilities. They perform handstands before spraying their enemies.

A Springbok

Springboks derive so much water from their food they could go their entire lives without drinking from large sources of water.

A Springerdoodle

Easygoing, intelligent, and active, the springerdoodle just loves being around people!

A Squirrel

Small rodents found in woodlands worldwide!

A Squirrel Monkey
Squirrel Monkey

Lives in groups of up to 500 individuals!

A Sri Lankan Elephant
Sri Lankan Elephant

Now restricted to a few parks!

A Stabyhoun

It is a versatile, all-around working breed and pet.

A Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Known for their loyalty to their family!

A Standard Schnauzer
Standard Schnauzer

This dog’s facial hair makes it look like it has a beard.

A Star-nosed mole
Star-nosed mole

The star-nosed mole has the ability to sense both electrical fields and ground vibrations

A Steller’s Sea Cow
Steller’s Sea Cow

Hunted to extinction in 17 years!

A Stoat

Average adults weigh about 200 grams!

A Striped Hyena
Striped Hyena

The striped hyenas usually mark their territories with the help of the scent gland secretions from their anal pouch.

A Sugar Glider
Sugar Glider

Can glide for over 100 feet before touching the ground

A Sumatran Elephant
Sumatran Elephant

Less than 2,000 left in the wild!

A Sumatran Orangutan
Sumatran Orangutan

Known to make mental maps of the forest!

A Sumatran Rhinoceros
Sumatran Rhinoceros

The smallest species of rhino!

A Sumatran Tiger
Sumatran Tiger

The smallest species of tiger!

A Sun Bear
Sun Bear

The smallest species of bear in the world!

A Syrian Hamster
Syrian Hamster

Can get used to and respond to human voice

Alphabetical List of Mammals that Start with S

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