Mammals that Start with M

Updated: December 26, 2021
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
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Mammals that Start with the Letter M

A Macaque

Macaque females will pass on their social rankings to their daughters

A Mackenzie Valley Wolf
Mackenzie Valley Wolf

Will travel up to 70 miles in a single day.

A Maine Coon
Maine Coon

Folklore says it's half cat, half raccoon!

A Malayan Civet
Malayan Civet

Also known as the Oriental Civet!

A Malayan Tiger
Malayan Tiger

Found in less-dense jungles!

A Malchi

The Malchi is not a purebred but a crossbreed and relatively new on the scene. That’s why they are not recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) or any other canine organization.

A Malteagle

Malteagles are one of the smallest beagle hybrids and love to follow their owners everywhere.

A Maltese

Originally bred in Europe!

A Maltese Shih Tzu
Maltese Shih Tzu

Both parent breeds, the Maltese and Shih Tzu, once entertained royalty!

A Maltipoo

Maltipoos may have one of three different coat types depending on the specific genes they inherit from their parents. These include silky, curly, or wavy.

A Manatee

Also known as the Sea Cow!

A Manchester Terrier
Manchester Terrier

Fences are no match for Manchester terriers. They’re great escape artists!

A Mandrill

Distinctively coloured noses and rumps!

A Maned Wolf
Maned Wolf

Despite its name, the Maned Wolf is not actually a wolf.

A Marble Fox
Marble Fox

The marble fox is not a naturally occurring variant; it was created through artificial selection.

A Margay

Margays are one of the world’s most highly adapted cat species for climbing trees!

A Markhor

The markhor drools a foamy substance after chewing its cud, which the local people use for extracting snake poison.

A Marmot

A marmot spends 80% of its life below ground

A Marsican Brown Bear
Marsican Brown Bear

They do not fall completely asleep during hibernation but wake up from time to time during the winter to walk around.

A Masked Palm Civet
Masked Palm Civet

Found throughout Asia, India and China!

A Mastador

The Mastador gets its enormous size from its Mastiff parent.

A Mastiff

Courageous, calm and affectionate!

A Meagle

The Meagle has an incredible sense of smell.

A Meerkat

One will stand on guard to watch for predators!

A Mexican Free-Tailed Bat
Mexican Free-Tailed Bat

Some colonies have millions of bats

A Miki

They can be trained to use the litter box like a cat!

A Mini Labradoodle
Mini Labradoodle

The first mini labradoodle was bred in the early 1990s - almost immediately after standard labradoodles became popular.

A Miniature Bull Terrier
Miniature Bull Terrier

This dog has a very happy-go-lucky temperament.

A Miniature Pinscher
Miniature Pinscher

Stable rodents were kept in check by using it as a barnyard ratter.

A Mink

The mink can swim up to 100 feet underwater.

A Minke Whale
Minke Whale

There are two recognised species!

A Mole

Primarily hunts and feeds on Earthworms!

A Mongoose

Range in size from just 1 to 3 foot!

A Mongrel

Has characteristics of two or more breeds!

A Monkey

There are around 260 known species!

A Moorhen

Feeds on aquatic insects and water-spiders!

A Moose

Renews it's enormous antlers every year!

A Morkie

A Morkie puppy can weigh as little as 4 ounces.

A Moscow Watchdog
Moscow Watchdog

This Molosser-type dog is the Russian cousin of St. Bernard.

A Mountain Feist
Mountain Feist

Mountain Feists were bred in the southern United States as a dog that could help with hunting small game.

A Mountain Gorilla
Mountain Gorilla

Isolated populations found in the mountains!

A Mountain Lion
Mountain Lion

Has no real natural predators!

A Mouse

Found on every continent on Earth!

A Mudi

Mudi dogs have a reputation for being able to control a herd of 500 sheep.

A Mule

The offspring of a horse and donkey parents!

A Mule Deer
Mule Deer

Mule deer can run up to 45 miles per hour.

A Muntjac

The muntjac is the smallest type of deer in the world

A Musk Deer
Musk Deer

The glands of a musk deer can sell for up to $45,000 on the black market.

A Muskox

Muskox have several physical characteristics that allow them to survive in the Arctic climate.

A Muskrat

The muskrat can stay underwater up to 17 minutes at a time

Alphabetical List of Mammals that Start with M

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