Mammals that Start with P

Updated: January 24, 2023
John Carnemolla/
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Mammals that start with the letter P

A Pademelon

Inhabits the jungles of the far east!

A Pangolin

Bad eyesight, but great sense of smell

A Panther

Prefers to hunt at night than during the day!

A Papillon

Originally called the Toy Spaniel, the Papillon is one of the oldest breeds in the toy group. They can be found in artwork dating back to the 16th century.

A Parson Russell Terrier
Parson Russell Terrier

The root stock of the breed was a dog named Trump

A Patagonian Cavy
Patagonian Cavy

Patagonian cavies run anywhere from 18-45 mph!

A Patagonian Mara
Patagonian Mara

Patagonian maras mate for life, but raise their pups in large communal dens!

A Patas Monkey
Patas Monkey

The fastest species of primate in the world!

A Patterdale Terrier
Patterdale Terrier

A Patterdale Terrier’s small body structure allows it to squeeze into fox burrows.

A Peagle

Most Peagles love playing with children and can be very gentle and affectionate!

A Peekapoo

Peekapoos were first bred in the 1950’s, making them one of the first designer dog breeds.

A Pekingese

Thought to be over 2,000 years old!

A Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a favorite breed of Queen Elizabeth II

A Père David’s Deer
Père David’s Deer

Has webbing between its toes, aiding in swimming!

A Perro De Presa Canario
Perro De Presa Canario

The breed has feet like a cat, with rounded toes that are not too close together. His unique feet give him a distinctive, long, elastic stride.

A Persian

Thought to have originated in the Middle East!

A Peruvian Inca Orchid
Peruvian Inca Orchid

The Peruvian Inca Orchid is the national dog of Peru

A Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen
Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen

A small dog with a big, lively personality.

A Petite Goldendoodle
Petite Goldendoodle

Like their purebred parents, these dogs love the water!

A Pheasant

Females lay between 8 and 12 eggs per clutch!

A Pied Tamarin
Pied Tamarin

Only found in one area of Brazil!

A Pig

Thought to have been domesticated in 9,000 BC!

A Pika

Found in mountainous regions and rocky areas

A Pine Marten
Pine Marten

A pine marten can jump from tree to tree similar to a squirrel.

A Pink Fairy Armadillo
Pink Fairy Armadillo

The smallest known species of Armadillo

A Pit Bull
Pit Bull

It is a myth that pit bulls have locking jaws.

A Pitador

There are several names for this breed, including the Labrabull or the Pitador Retriever.

A Pitsky

Most Pitskies will do best as the only pet in a home. They may become aggressive with other dogs (especially two unneutered male dogs) and could try to chase or catch small pets due to their higher prey drive.

A Platypus

One of the only mammals to lay eggs!

A Pocket Beagle
Pocket Beagle

Queen Elizabeth I of England once owned several Pocket Beagles!

A Pocket Pitbull
Pocket Pitbull

The smaller size of the Pocket Pitbull made it better suited for fleeing game as compared to larger Foxhounds.

A Pointer

An independent, loyal and high energy breed!

A Polar Bear
Polar Bear

Could be extinct within the next 30 years!

A Polish Lowland Sheepdog
Polish Lowland Sheepdog

Despite having shaggy hair that covers its eyes, this dog is known for its watchful gaze when guarding a herd.

A Pomapoo

Pomapoos like companionship and do not like being alone. They may do better in a home with other dogs.

A Pomchi

A deliberate cross like the Pomchi is commonly referred to as a designer dog

A Pomeagle

Pomeagles are sweet and fun dogs that like to spend time exploring their environment.

A Pomeranian

The ancestors of the Pomeranian were sled dogs.

A Pomsky

The howls and barks of a Pomsky can sound like singing

A Poochon

The Poochon was first bred in Australia.

A Poodle

Intelligent, alert and active!

A Poogle

The Poogle is one of 40 different doodle dog breeds (poodle mixes).

A Porcupine

There are 30 different species worldwide!

A Possum

There are 69 species on the Australian continent!

A Potoroo

They can carry items with their tail.

A Prairie Dog
Prairie Dog

Prairie dog “towns” can consists of hundreds of individuals

A Proboscis Monkey
Proboscis Monkey

Natively found on the island of Borneo!

A Procoptodon

The largest variety of kangaroo to have ever been discovered.

A Pronghorn

While pronghorns are the fastest runner of any Western Hemisphere land animal, they are not good jumpers.

A Pudelpointer

Like their poodle parent, Pudelpointers love to swim in pools!

A Pug

Fun and sociable, yet stubborn!

A Pugapoo

The pugapoo is the fusion of a pug and a poodle.

A Puggle

These dogs are active and are often patient around children.

A Pugshire

With their incredible desire to show affection, Pugshire make great lap dogs.

A Puma

Has longer back legs than front legs!

A Pumi

Pumik developed their loud bark to communicate with shepherds at long distances.

A Pygmy Hippopotamus
Pygmy Hippopotamus

Spends more time on land than in water!

A Pygmy Marmoset (Finger Monkey)
Pygmy Marmoset (Finger Monkey)

The smallest species of monkey in the world!

A Pygora Goat
Pygora Goat

The Pygora goat is exclusively bred for their fleece, and they produce three different kinds.

A Pyrador

Most popular as a companion pet!

A Pyredoodle

Pyredoodles can have a thick double coat or a thinner single coat.

List of Mammals that start with the letter P

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