Mammals that Start with C

Published: April 23, 2021
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Mammals that Start with the Letter C

A Cactus Mouse
Cactus Mouse

In hot temperatures, they lower their metabolism and become inactive to reduce the amount of water they need to survive

A Cairn Terrier
Cairn Terrier

Intelligent, lively and strong!

A Camel

Can survive without water for 10 months!

A Canaan Dog
Canaan Dog

Has a strong survival instinct!

A Canada Lynx
Canada Lynx

They have natural snowshoes

A Canadian Horse
Canadian Horse

Canadian horses are believed to generate more power per pound of body weight than any other horse breed in the world.

A Cane Corso
Cane Corso

Cane Corsos nearly became extinct in the mid 1900’s, but the breed was revived by a group of Italians. Even so, they still didn’t become known in many other parts of the world until after 1988.

A Cape Lion
Cape Lion

Despite its large, muscular body, the Cape lion actually rests more than 20 hours a day

A Capybara

Excellent at both diving and swimming

A Caracal

Has 20 different muscles in it's ears!

A Caribou

Males and females grow antlers

A Carolina Dog
Carolina Dog

Wild dog breed discovered in the 1970s!

A Cashmere Goat
Cashmere Goat

Cashmere goat are named after Kashmir regions of India and Pakistan

A Cat

May have been domesticated up to 10,000 years ago.

A Catahoula Leopard
Catahoula Leopard

The state of Louisiana's only native dog breed

A Catalan Sheepdog
Catalan Sheepdog

This breed is called the Gos d’Atura Catala in native Catalan and Pastor Catalan in Spanish, both of which roughly translate to mean Catalan Sheepdog

A Cava Tzu
Cava Tzu

Females are more territorial than males, but you can train this behavior out of them.

A Cavador

A great companion for the whole family!

A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Highly playful and affectionate!

A Cavapoo

The temperament of a Cavapoo allows this breed to make an excellent family dog as well as a great therapy dog.

A Cesky Fousek
Cesky Fousek

An affectionate hunting dog!

A Cesky Terrier
Cesky Terrier

This breed is also known as the Bohemian Terrier (Bohemia was an historical Medieval kingdom and a region of the modern Czech Republic)

A Chamois

Natively found in the European mountains!

A Cheagle

Some Cheagles have an excellent sense of smell.

A Cheetah

The fastest land mammal in the world!

A Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Bright and happy disposition!

A Chihuahua

Curious and devoted personality!

A Chimpanzee

Has 32 teeth including fang-like canines!

A Chinchilla

Natively found in the Andes Mountain range!

A Chinese Crested Dog
Chinese Crested Dog

A hairless breed of dog!

A Chinese Shar-Pei
Chinese Shar-Pei

These dogs have blue and black tongues!

A Chinook

A calm and friendly breed!

A Chipmunk

There are 25 different species!

A Chipoo

The Chipoo was first bred in the 1970s

A Chiweenie

Chiweenies travel especially well.

A Chorkie

Chorkies are very fond of their owners and will love to sit in their laps for long amounts of time!

A Chow Chow
Chow Chow

Loyal and affectionate to it's family!

A Chow Shepherd
Chow Shepherd

The Chow Shepherd is also known as the Sheprachow.

A Cinnamon Bear
Cinnamon Bear

A newborn cinnamon bear weighs 1/2 pound -- about the same as a large apple.

A Cinnamon Ferret
Cinnamon Ferret

A ferret’s heartrate is 200 to 250 beats a minute.

A Clouded Leopard
Clouded Leopard

Has canines that can be two inches long!

A Clumber Spaniel
Clumber Spaniel

Has a thick, soft coat!

A Coati

Found in dense forests and wet jungles!

A Cockalier

The Cockalier has very strong hunting ancestry.

A Cockapoo

Cockapoos became popular in the 1960s as a sweet, family dog.

A Collared Peccary
Collared Peccary

Form bands of up to 12 individuals!

A Collie

Gentle and devoted!

A Common Spotted Cuscus
Common Spotted Cuscus

Has a long, strong prehensile tail!

A Common Toad
Common Toad

Most active in wet weather!

A Corgidor

Corgidors are herding dogs that typically help out on cattle farms.

A Corgipoo

These dogs are highly intelligent and are easy to train.

A Corkie

One of the Corkie’s parent breeds, the Cocker Spaniel, was thought to have come over on the Mayflower.

A Corman Shepherd
Corman Shepherd

Corman Shepherds can be great watchdogs and are often very protective of their owners.

A Coton de Tulear
Coton de Tulear

The soft coat of the Coton de Tulear is the result of a singular genetic mutation early in the breed's development.

A Cotton-top Tamarin
Cotton-top Tamarin

Found in tropical forest edges!

A Coues Deer
Coues Deer

Coues deer are smaller than other white-tail deer, following Bergmann's Rule that average size is greater for animals farther from the equator.

A Cougar

The Second Largest feline in North America

A Cow

There are nearly 1.5 billion worldwide!

A Coyote

Also known as the Prairie Wolf!

A Crab-Eating Fox
Crab-Eating Fox

The crab-eating fox is extremely adaptable, living in all sorts of habitats and eating almost any available food.

A Crab-Eating Macaque
Crab-Eating Macaque

Found throughout the South-East Asian jungles!

A Crabeater Seal
Crabeater Seal

The crabeater seal doesn’t actually eat crab at all, but instead krill

A Cross Fox
Cross Fox

The cross fox’s tail is bushier than the tail of the average red fox

A Cross River Gorilla
Cross River Gorilla

Less than 300 remaining!

A Curly Coated Retriever
Curly Coated Retriever

A lively and fun-loving breed!

A Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

This breed is also known as the Czechoslovakian Vlcak (the name for the German Shepherd).

Alphabetical List of Mammals that Start with C

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