Oviparous Animals: 12 Animals That Lay Eggs (Some Will Surprise You!)

Animals That Lay Eggs
INTREEGUE Photography/Shutterstock.com

Written by Lex Basu

Published: June 4, 2024

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Animals reproduce in different ways. Some, like humans, give birth to live young. A few reproduce by budding – a new creature grows from a segment of the original animal. And many different types of animals have young that hatch from eggs.

Oviparous animals are those that reproduce by laying eggs.

Even among egg layers, there are some differences and varieties. Some animals mate before laying eggs, while in other species such as fish, males and females release gametes at the same time, and the eggs are fertilized in a medium such as water. Some eggs are hard, while others are soft and squishy. Eggs may be kept in a nest on the ground, a nest in a tree, or even inside the body of one of the parents!

We’ve compiled a list of animals that lay eggs and some amazing facts about each one.

This list of egg layers may surprise you!

The Most-Consistent Egg Layers: Birds

Birds are unique in that all known species lay eggs. Different birds have wildly different methods for keeping eggs safe. Some sea birds roost in colonies, with millions of parents caring for eggs that are laid on the ground. Weaverbirds craft grasses into elaborate hanging structures to support their eggs. Male hornbills use mud to seal the mother bird and her eggs into a hole in a tree, leaving only enough space through which to pass food! This keeps many predators from reaching the nest.

What Bird Lays the Smallest Egg?

Animals That Lay Eggs
A Bee Hummingbird sipping nectar. An adult bee hummingbird rarely grows longer than 61 millimeters long.

The world’s smallest bird egg is laid by the world’s smallest bird – the bee hummingbird. The egg is 0.275 inches long and weighs only 0.0009 ounces.

These miniature eggs will incubate in a nest that is about the size of a thimble for 15 to 18 days. After that, the tiny hummingbird chicks will be cared for by their mother for up to 28 days before they are ready to live on their own.

Did you know? Some hummingbirds use sticky spider webs to hold together their tiny nests!

What Bird Lays the Largest Egg?

Animals That Lay Eggs
An Ostrich hen with eggs in the nest. Ostriches are the fastest runners of any bird or other two-legged animal and can sprint at over 70 km/hr, covering up to 5m in a single stride.

It should come as no surprise that the largest bird egg is laid by the largest bird – the ostrich. The heaviest ostrich egg on record was laid by a captive individual. The egg weighed 5 lb 11.36 ounces. Typical ostrich eggs are 6 inches in length and weigh 3 pounds. That’s about the size of 20 chicken eggs!

Groups of ostriches share a nest, known as a dump nest. Here, both male and female ostriches will take turns sitting on the collection of super-sized eggs for 42 to 46 days until they are ready to hatch.

Reptiles That Lay Eggs: Long Journeys and Live Births

Reptiles are diverse in their egg-laying styles and they are some of the animals that lay eggs but are not birds. Some lay eggs, while others give birth to live young. A few are ovoviviparous, meaning the young grow inside an egg that remains inside the mother’s body until it is ready to hatch. One thing all egg-laying reptiles have in common is that they lay their eggs on land, even if the adults spend their lives in the water.

Consider the following list of some of the most interesting egg-laying reptiles.

The Sea Turtle’s Egg-Laying Journey

Animals That Lay Eggs: The Sea Turtle
A green turtle (Chelonia mydas) lays her eggs and covers her nest on the beach in the daytime


Sea turtles always return to the beach where they were born in order to lay their eggs. For example, on a specific Costa Rican beach each October, tens of thousands of sea turtles crowd the beach in an event known as the arribada or “arrival.” They dig holes in the sand and lay their leathery eggs. Their young then hatch at the same time, and thousands of babies run the gauntlet of predators to get back to the ocean.

Crocodiles: Nest Temperature Determines the Sex of Offspring

Animals That Lay Eggs: Crocodiles
A newborn freshwater crocodile

pokes its head out of the egg. The Johnstone

crocodile (Crocodylus johnstoni) lives in inland creeks, rivers, lakes, and swamps.

Like all reptiles, these aquatic creatures lay their eggs on the ground. They make nests on the riverbank, and the mother stays nearby to protect the nest and newly hatched offspring. One of the most interesting things about crocodiles, though, is that the location of the nest determines the sex or gender of the babies. How?

When the nest temperature is above 34 degrees centigrade (93.2 Fahrenheit), androgenic hormones form inside the egg. This results in male offspring. Lower temperatures do not produce these hormones, and the embryos remain female. So, a nest on a sunny riverbank will likely produce male crocodiles, while a shady nest produces females.

Ovoviviparity: When Eggs Hatch BEFORE Being Laid

Animals That Lay Eggs
A juvenile Green Tree Python Snake in a tree, coiled and ready to strike.

Some snakes, such as the garter snake, are ovoviviparous – young form inside an egg and are fed by the egg yolk, but the egg is retained inside the mother’s body rather than being laid in a nest. The baby snakes hatch inside the mother’s body and remain there for a time as they continue to grow. Unlike mammals, they do not receive food or oxygen from their mothers at this time. When they mature, they are born alive. This gives them an advantage, as they are larger and more able to fend for themselves than they were at the time of hatching.

Laying Eggs with No Shells: Amphibians

Animals That Lay Eggs
A male European common brown frog (Rana temporaria) resting on eggs during a massive mating.

Frogs, toads, and other amphibians lay their eggs in water. The eggs do not have hard shells. Instead, they are laid in a mass with the texture of jello. Some tropical frogs lay their eggs in tiny pools of water captured in tree branches or between plant leaves. The poison dart frog carries its newly hatched tadpoles, piggyback style, from the trees to water sources on the ground.

Just the Right Nest: Insects and Arthropods

Many insects and arthropods lay eggs. Maybe you’ve seen the leaves of a tree covered in tiny round or pointed growths. Those are insect eggs! Most seek out a specific plant that will serve as food for the young. Some wasps take this to the next level, laying their eggs inside a living caterpillar. Once the eggs hatch, they devour the unlucky bug from the inside out.

Cabbage Aphids: Born Pregnant

Animals That Lay Eggs: Cabbage Aphids
Cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae, on a tomato plant. Sometimes called plant lice, they are one of the most common pests of indoor plants. 

Most species require a male and a female to produce offspring. The cabbage aphid female, however, is able to produce genetic copies of itself, up to 10 offspring per day. In fact, the first embryo of the next generation can be seen inside newly hatched females with the aid of a microscope. Like the reptiles discussed above, the eggs hatch inside the mother’s body.

Late in the season, males are also born, as mating allows for genetic diversity. The females then lay eggs that will overwinter and hatch the next spring.

Spiders That Take Their Eggs With Them

Animals That Lay Eggs_ Spiders
A female Wolf-spider with baby spiders on her back sitting on a leaf.

Most spiders place their eggs in a sack made of spider silk. These may be hidden underground or supported by the web. But a few spider species take their eggs with them. Nursery web spiders use their mouthparts to carry the egg sac.

Wolf spiders attach the egg sac to their spinnerets, at the back of the abdomen. When the eggs hatch, the baby spiders climb onto the mother’s back and spend their first days there. If you try to squish the mother wolf spider, the baby spiders will scatter!

Unique Egg Strategies: Fish

Like reptiles, fish have several different reproductive strategies. They may retain eggs in the body and give birth to live young. Or, rather than mating with one individual, they may release their eggs in mass spawning events so that water-borne gametes from many different males may fertilize the eggs.

Here, we list some of the most interesting fish egg stories.

Seahorses: How Males Give Birth

Animals That Lay Eggs: Seahorses
Seahorse heads are shaped to let them move through the water undetected. The quietly sneaky hunting technique gives them an impressive 90 percent successful predatory kill rate.

The Seahorse’s mating and birthing are one of the wonders of nature. After the courtship is over, in a reversal of role, the female seahorses deposit their eggs in the males’ brood pouch.

Next, the male seahorse fertilizes the eggs inside the pouch and carries the fetuses to maturity. Once the 30-day gestation period is over, the matured fetuses are expelled through the opening in the pouch through contractions.

This has been a fascinating and amazing phenomenon that has left many people scratching their heads and widening their eyes in wonder.

Sturgeons: Hunted for Their Eggs

Animals That Lay Eggs: Sturgeons
A European sea sturgeon (Acipenser sturio), also known as the Atlantic sturgeon. Several species of sturgeon are harvested for their roe, which is processed into the luxury food caviar.

Have you ever tasted caviar? This food, considered a delicacy, is actually fish eggs. A large fish called the sturgeon was nearly hunted to extinction because its eggs were highly sought after. Today, sturgeon are protected by the Endangered Species Act, and hunting them is completely against the law.

However, the demand for caviar hasn’t diminished, and new methods allow eggs to be collected without harming the fish. Through hormone therapy and milking of eggs or simply performing surgery to remove the eggs without killing the fish, caviar is being made.

Mammals That Lay Eggs: The Monotremes

Animals That Lay Eggs: Ma
A short-beaked Echidna at Braeside, Victoria, Australia. Echidnas curl up into a ball when they become frightened.

Probably the most surprising animal that lays eggs but is not a bird or a fish, is the monotreme. There are a few things we know about mammals: they are warm-blooded, have hair, feed their young with milk, and give birth to live young. But there are five mammals that take exception to the last rule – the platypus and four echidna species.

These species, classified as monotremes, are mammals that lay eggs. The mother carries the eggs inside her body for a time, providing the nutrients. She lays the eggs in a nest or den, and they hatch about 10 days later. The babies, called “puggles,” are underdeveloped when they hatch, much like newborn marsupials. Unlike other egg layers, monotremes feed their young with milk just like all other mammals. Uniquely, though, the monotremes excrete milk through glands in their skin rather than through a nipple or teat.

Laying the Most Eggs: Corals

Animals That Lay Eggs
Star coral spawning. This event occurs once a year and is how coral from the reef reproduces.

You may not think of coral reefs as producing eggs. But during a spawn, a single coral can produce and release millions of eggs during a 2-day period each year. This is considered a “risky” reproductive strategy, however, as many filter-feeders come to feast on the eggs and larvae. Approximately two of the millions of potential offspring each coral releases will survive to adulthood.

Check Out the Video on 12 Animals That Lay Eggs Below!

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Why Do Animals Lay Eggs?

Brasilodon and Riograndia without ears

Brasilodon and Riograndia were some of the earliest shrew-like mammals.

Egg-laying is a reproductive strategy that is used by many species of animals, from reptiles and birds to some species of fish and invertebrates.

The basic idea behind egg laying is that the eggs are laid outside of the mother’s body, providing a safe and protected environment for the developing offspring.

There are several reasons why animals lay eggs, including:

  1. Protection: Laying eggs outside of the mother’s body provides a protective environment for the developing offspring. The eggs are often surrounded by a hard shell that helps to keep the developing embryo safe from predators and other environmental threats.
  2. Nutrition: Eggs are often rich in nutrients, such as yolk, which provides the developing embryo with the energy and resources it needs to grow and develop.
  3. Improved Survival Rates: By laying eggs outside of the mother’s body, animals can increase the chances of survival for their offspring. This is because the eggs are not subject to the same risks as live young, such as predation or injury during birth.
  4. Limitation of Parental Investment: Laying eggs allows animals to reproduce without having to devote a lot of resources to caring for their young. This allows animals to conserve their energy and resources for other activities, such as foraging or escaping from predators.
  5. Reproductive Flexibility: By laying eggs, animals have the ability to reproduce quickly and efficiently, without having to carry their young through a long gestation period. This reproductive flexibility can be particularly advantageous in environments that are unpredictable or unstable, where the survival of the young is uncertain.

In conclusion, egg-laying is a reproductive strategy that is used by many species of animals for a variety of reasons, including protection, nutrition, improved survival rates, limitation of parental investment, and reproductive flexibility.

Whether you are observing birds, reptiles, or any other species of egg-laying animals, it is clear that eggs play a critical role in the survival and success of many species.

Summary Table of Animals That Lay Eggs

RankAnimalInteresting Fact
1CoralsLays the most eggs
2MonotremesEgg-laying mammals
3SturgeonsEggs are caviar
4SeahorsesMales carry eggs to maturity
5SpidersSome take their eggs with them
6Cabbage AphidsBorn pregnant
7AmphibiansLaying eggs without shells
8SnakesEggs can hatch within the body
9CrocodilesTemperature determines offspring sex
10Sea TurtlesReturn to where they were hatched to lay their eggs
11OstrichesLay the largest eggs
12HummingbirdsLay the smallest eggs for birds

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About the Author

Lex is a green-living, tree-hugging, animal-lover, who at one time was the mother to twenty one felines and one doggo. Now she helps pet owners around the globe be the best caretakers for their most trusting companions by sharing her experience and spreading love.

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