Below you can find a complete list of Mediterranean Sea animals. We currently track 124 animals in Mediterranean-Caspian and are adding more every day!
The Caspian Sea is the largest saltwater lake in the world, stretching for about 1,200 km from north to south. It covers a gross area of about 38,6400 km and the surface is about 89 feet below sea level.
Reports suggest that approximately 11 million years ago, the Caspian Sea was connected to the world’s oceans via the sea of Azov, the Black Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. The latter is an intercontinental sea that runs from the Atlantic Ocean to Asia and is known to separate Europe from Africa. These places are sometimes also used as major fishing sites.
The Official National Animal Of Mediterranean-Caspian
Being waterbodies, the Mediterranean-Caspian may not have an official national animal but there are some animals or aquatic creatures that are known to exist in the area. For example, the Caspian Seal, which is endemic to the Caspian Sea. These seals are one of the very few seal species that exist in inland waters. However, due to the hydrological environment of the sea, these are different from those that exist in freshwater.
The Caspian Seal is also listed as a rare mammal. One of the smallest members of the seal family, it is found exclusively in the brackish waters of the Caspian Sea. It weighs up to 140 pounds, with a length of 4.6 feet, and can be found along rocky islands and shorelines. This seal is also one of the most endangered seal species in the world, with numbers of only around 600. Listed as endangered since 2008, their numbers have declined due to illegal hunting and climate change.
The Mediterranean Sea might not have an official national animal, but the waterbody has about 20 different species of whales, complemented by dolphins.
Where To Find The Top Wild Animals In Mediterranean-Caspian
Loggerheads are the most abundant sea turtles.
©Matteo photos/
The Mediterranean-Caspian seas are home to several unique varieties of wildlife and aquatic animals and plants. Some of the animals found in the Caspian Sea include the Caspian seals and sturgeons. The sea also acts as an important site for migratory birds like ducks, flamingoes, and swans. Meanwhile, some of the animals in the Mediterranean Sea include sharks, rays, pufferfish, Mediterranean monk seals, and loggerhead turtles.
- Caspian seal: The Caspian seals are found exclusively in the brackish waters of the Caspian Sea.
- Sturgeons. These creatures are found in the freshwaters of the Caspian Sea.
- Mediterranean monk seals: These seals are commonly found in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea.
- Sharks: You can also pot sharks in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea which might attract fishing experts.
Although endangered, the loggerhead sea turtle is one of the most abundant sea turtles. They are known for having powerful jaws and large heads, weighing up to 500 pounds, and having a shell length of 45 inches. Sea turtles are different than freshwater turtles in that they can’t retract their heads and flippers inside their shells.
The Most Dangerous Animals In Mediterranean-Caspian
Devil fish or devil ray (Mobula mobular)
The Mediterranean-Caspian provides an important habitat for many unique yet dangerous wildlife species. These dangerous animals include the deadliest of sharks, whales, and sturgeons.
The giant devil ray, though considered endangered, is one of the most dangerous animals in this area due to its sheer power and size. They don’t have a defensive spine on their tail, so while this does not pose a threat, they may damage boats and when caught, may be harmful. Unfortunately, due to the fisheries and the degradation of the natural habitat, the Mediterranean-Caspian area is far more dangerous for their sea life than for humans.
Angel sharks used to roam much of the water, but they have become endangered with all of this activity. Not considered to be very dangerous, they have been known to bite divers when they are provoked.
Endangered Animals In Mediterranean-Caspian
©Sytilin Pavel/
The Mediterranean-Caspian is home to a large number of unique flora and fauna wildlife species. However, some of the animals that are found in these areas are now endangered or are close to being declared extinct due to their predators or human activities. These endangered or prone to being extinct animals include:
- Caspian seal
- Mediterranean monk seal (It is critically endangered)
- Loggerhead sea turtles
Out of 71 different species of sharks assessed by the IUCN Red List criteria, nearly half of the species are on the brink of extinction. The Maltese skate (or the Maltese Ray) is native to the area, but they are considered critically endangered by the IUCN.
The Russian sturgeon, also known as diamond sturgeon, is one of the most valuable species of fish that inhabits these waters. Highly prized for its roe, it was once the most widely distributed species but due to overfishing, illegal catching, and pollution, this fish is almost extinct.
The Rarest Animal In Mediterranean-Caspian
Mediterranean monk seals are rare and endangered.
The Mediterranean-Caspian Sea area is not home to many mammals and of those here, there are currently 35 species that are listed as rare and endangered and require special protection.
The Mediterranean Monk seal is one of the rarest pinniped species in the world. It is estimated that there are only between 600 to 700 currently surviving and is one of the most endangered marine mammals. This seal ranges in color from light gray to black to dark brown. The females can weigh between 530 to 880 pounds while the males can weigh up to 710 pounds. Their heights average 7.9 feet with the females only being slightly shorter than the males. They like to seek refuge in caves and live on sandy beaches and shorelines.
The Largest Animals In Mediterranean-Caspian
Fin Whales are the main baleen whale in the Mediterranean.
There are 8 species of whales located in the Mediterranean-Caspian divided into two types – baleen and toothed. The largest of the baleen whale species is the Fin Whale. This large mammal can weigh up to 70 tons and reach lengths of 72 feet. Baleen whales have baleen plates in their mouths that act as a sieve to separate their prey from seawater. The fin whale has an average lifespan of 90 years.
The largest of the toothed whales, and the largest toothed predator, that lives in this region is the sperm whale. Toothed whales have teeth and actively hunt their prey, like fish and squid. The sperm whale can reach a length of 52 feet and may weigh 45 tons. They have an average lifespan of 70 years but are currently listed as endangered.
Mediterranean Sea Animals
Mediterranean Sea Animals List
- Albacore Tuna
- Anchovies
- Angelfish
- Anglerfish
- Barnacle
- Barracuda
- Basking Shark
- Bearded Fireworm
- Bird
- Blanket Octopus
- Blue Shark
- Bluefin Tuna
- Bonito Fish
- Bottlenose Dolphin
- Bull Shark
- Butterfly Fish
- Chimaera
- Clownfish
- Cobia Fish
- Cockle
- Conger Eel
- Cookiecutter Shark
- Coral
- Crab
- Crappie Fish
- Cuttlefish
- Dolphin
- Dusky Dolphin
- Eagle Ray
- Eel
- False Killer Whale
- Fin Whale
- Fish
- Flounder
- Fly
- Fur Seal
- Garden Eel
- Ghost Crab
- Goby Fish
- Great Hammerhead Shark
- Great White Shark
- Grey Seal
- Gulper Eel
- Hagfish
- Hammerhead Shark
- Harbor Porpoise
- Hermit Crab
- Herring
- Horseshoe Crab
- Humpback Whale
- Immortal Jellyfish
- Insects
- Jellyfish
- John Dory
- Killer Whale
- King Crab
- Krill
- Lamprey
- Lobster
- Longfin Mako Shark
- Man of War Jellyfish
- Manatee
- Manta Ray
- Minke Whale
- Mola mola (Ocean Sunfish)
- Moray Eel
- Nematode
- Nudibranch
- Nurse Shark
- Oarfish
- Octopus
- Oilfish
- Oyster
- Parrotfish
- Penguin
- Platybelodon
- Porbeagle Shark
- Prawn
- Pufferfish
- Pyrosome
- Reef Shark
- Sailfish
- Sand Tiger Shark
- Sandworm
- Sardines
- Sawfish
- Sea Anemone
- Sea Eagle
- Sea Lion
- Sea Slug
- Sea Squirt
- Sea Turtle
- Sea Urchin
- Seagull
- Seahorse
- Seal
- Shark
- Shrimp
- Sixgill shark
- Skipjack Tuna
- Sleeper Shark
- Snail
- Sperm Whale
- Spinner Shark
- Spiny Dogfish
- Sponge
- Squid
- Starfish
- Stargazer Fish
- Stingray
- Sturgeon
- Telescope Fish
- Thornback Ray
- Tiger Shark
- Toadfish
- Triggerfish
- Tropicbird
- Tuna
- Turtles
- Viperfish
- Whale Shark
- Whiting
- Wrasse
- Zebra Mussels
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What animals live in the Caspian Sea?
Some of the animals that live in the Caspian Sea include Caspian seals and sturgeons and some migratory birds like swans and flamingoes.
What kind of animals live in the Mediterranean?
Some of the animals in the Mediterranean Sea include sharks, rays, pufferfish, Mediterranean monk seals, and loggerhead turtles – some of which are now endangered or extinct.
Does the Caspian Sea have sharks?
Yes, some parts of the Caspian Sea are home to sharks. However, recreational fishing has made the area somewhat dangerous for 30 different species.
What dangerous animals are in the Mediterranean Sea?
Some of the deadliest sharks and whales can be found in the Mediterranean Sea.
How many seas are there in the world?
The Mediterranean Sea is one of approximately 50 seas in the world. Oceans, properly speaking, are the vast, open portions of the earth’s salt waters. When a section of the ocean is partly surrounded by land, then it is a sea.